The Handwriting Doctor

Empower Learning, Transform Handwriting, Reach Potential


The Handwriting Doctor

Empower Learning, Transform Handwriting, Reach Potential

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Dr. Carol Enhances Brain and Body Integration to Improve Handwriting and Overall Learning

Dr. Carol Leibovich – Mankes specializes in strengthening the underlying
skills required for brain and body integration facilitating fluent and legible
handwriting, overall function and learning in children. As an experienced
occupational therapist, she identifies and addresses the weaknesses that
may be preventing your child from reaching their full potential at home and
school. Dr. Carol’s holistic approach focuses on enhancing these
foundational skills to support your child’s overall development and success.

What are the components needed for Handwriting & Learning Success?

The Book

On the Road to Handwriting Success: A Resource Guide for Therapists, Teachers, and Parents is authored by Dr. Carol Leibovich-Mankes, an occupational therapist and parent coach with 25 years of experience in the field. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist parents, teachers, and therapists in understanding and supporting the development of handwriting skills in children.

The Correlation Between Handwriting Fluency, Legibility, and Brain-Body Integration

Handwriting is a complex skill that involves a seamless interaction
between the brain and body. The correlation between handwriting
fluency, legibility, and brain-body integration can be broken down into
several key components:

Handwriting Fluency

Handwriting fluency refers to the ability to write smoothly and effortlessly.
When children develop fluent handwriting, they can focus more on the
content of their writing rather than the mechanics of forming letters.
Fluency in handwriting is achieved through consistent practice and the
development of fine motor skills. As children become more fluent in their
handwriting, they experience less cognitive load, allowing them to
concentrate on organizing their thoughts and expressing their ideas.

Handwriting Legibility

Legibility is the clarity and readability of handwriting. It is crucial for
effective communication, as illegible handwriting can hinder
understanding and lead to misinterpretation of written content. Legible
handwriting involves consistent letter formation, proper spacing, and
alignment. It reflects the writer’s ability to control their hand movements
precisely. When children write legibly, their written work is more likely to
be understood and appreciated, boosting their confidence and
willingness to write.

Brain-Body Integration

Brain-body integration is the coordination between the brain and the physical actions of the body. This integration is vital for tasks that require fine motor skills, such as handwriting. Several areas of the brain are involved in this process, including the motor cortex, which controls hand movements, and the parietal lobe,
which processes sensory information and spatial awareness. Effective brain-body integration ensures that the signals from the brain translate accurately into the
intended movements of the hand, resulting in fluid and legible handwriting.

How does Dr. Carol determine where the breakdown in learning is and what can be done to close those gaps?

Dr. Carol Leibovich – Mankes conducts thorough evaluation to
determine the appropriate course of treatment for each child. Her
approach focuses on rebuilding neural connections within the brain,
ensuring that the right and left hemispheres work together effectively.
By addressing these areas, Dr. Carol not only enhances handwriting
skills but also contributes to the overall physical, cognitive and
emotional development of the child. Her holistic approach facilitates
the development of the necessary neural connections so your child
can succeed academically and in everyday tasks.

The main goal is to find out where is the disconnection in the brain/body and rewire for improved overall function at home and school.

Good handwriting helps children communicate more effectively, enhances their reading and comprehension abilities, and contributes to their academic success.

Consider reaching out to Dr. Carol if your child is experiencing any of the following difficulties:

✓ Avoidance of pre-writing activities such as scribbling, coloring, drawing, and/or cutting

✓ Frustration / avoidance of handwriting, drawing or copying activities in class/at home

✓ Awkward or poor pencil grasp, writes slowly

✓ Holds pencil too tightly or too loosely

✓ Fatigues quickly during writing/motor tasks

✓ Omits letters or words when copying from the board or from the same page

✓ Has difficulty naming and/or forming letters and/or numbers

✓ Has difficulty remembering sequence and/or reverses letters and/or numbers

✓ Has poor spacing of letters within or between words

✓ Easily distracted, poor organizational skills, and/or emotional regulation

✓ The child is bright but struggles with academic work math, spelling, writing.

By improving handwriting, we are not just teaching a skill but equipping children with tools for lifelong learning and personal growth, paving the way to boundless living and learning.

Dr. Carol works on:

Improving Fine Motor Skills: Enhances the precision and coordination required for effective handwriting.

Enhancing Tracking, Retention, and Pencil Grip: Helps children maintain proper pencil grip and improves their ability to follow lines and retain written information.

Establishing Dominance: Assists in determining and reinforcing hand dominance for consistent and efficient handwriting.

Developing Visual-Motor Skills: Aids in crossing the midline and improving hand-eye coordination, crucial for writing tasks.

Boosting Visual Perceptual Skills: Addresses issues like directionality, maintaining neatness, and organizing written work, which are essential for reading success.

Promoting Sensory-Motor Development: Provides opportunities to develop sensory-motor skills that support overall learning.

Fostering Emotional Regulation: Helps children who are impulsive, lack attention and focus, display disruptive behavior, or experience stress or anxiety to develop better emotional control and focus.

Let’s Work Together

Dr. Carol