Keeping Kids & Parents Sane and Organized In These Insane Times
I have not blogged in the month of April. I have been so busy like many other parents trying to work remotely, come up with a feasible plan for the future which appears so full of uncertainty, prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and struggle to keep my daughter healthy and occupied. For me as a […]
Helping Reduce Anxiety related to COVID-19 in a Child with ADHD and/or Sensory Regulation Issues
We are living in time with lots of questions and the fear of the unknown. Fear of this respiratory illness that no one seems to be able to predict how far or much it will spread. Fear of a great recession that may follow. Fear of unknown future of “normalcy” as we know or define […]
My Experience With Virtual Homeschooling A Child With ADHD
Being at home, especially in quarantine is challenging for most kids but can you imagine if a child is diagnosed with ADHD. Furthermore, we all weren’t just placed in isolation but also were asked to engage our child(ren) in virtual homeschooling. To say the least, I, like many other parents found this scenario overwhelming with […]
Tips for Teaching Hand-Washing: Especially Important During COVID-19
How many times this week did you remind your kids to hand-wash their hands. Not just wash their hands but do it properly (rather than just wetting their hands and rushing out of the bathroom). I personally lost count, even with my teenage daughter. My first topic this week falls into the “self care skills” […]
Good Handwriting Is More Than Just A Skill, It Is A Key Part Of Overall Learning
Did you know that handwriting legibility can be the window to a child’s physical, mental and social health. In other words, what the child produces can be how he sees himself which translates to misbehavior affecting social interaction and/or an indication of weak foundational skills related to academic success. The idea that computers made the […]
INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is Dr. Carol Leibovich – Mankes, also known as The Handwriting Doctor. I am a Pediatric Occupational Therapist, and Professionally Certified Parenting Coach/Educator. I am a mom of a child with a learning disability and also a woman trying to keep it real. I’ve been working with kids and their families […]